How To Join CAAGS
To become a member of the California African American Genealogical Society, please download and complete a Membership Application and return it with your membership dues according to the instructions on the form. Get the latest Adobe Reader. The membership Application form can be completed and submitted online to, or printed and mailed to CAAGS, Attn: Membership, P.O. Box 8442, Los Angeles, CA 90008.
Or if you prefer, you may follow the instructions provided, complete and submit the form and membership dues payment online. Visit Shop CAAGS to purchase a membership online.
Membership Categories and Dues
The official membership year runs from January 1 through December 31.
- Student Membership – up to age 22 ($15)
- Individual Membership ($30)
- Family Membership ($35)
- Libraries ($40)
- Organizations ($40)
- Charter Members are recognized as those who were the original members of the Society
- Honorary Membership is presented for exceptional service to the Society or the practice of genealogy, as the Board recommends.
- Lifetime Membership (currently suspended)
Membership Benefits
- Access to the CAAGS Members Only Area of the website.
- A copy of the Society’s Bylaws
- Receive the Society’s general communications/notifications via mail or electronic means (meeting notices, minutes of meetings)
- Receive copies of the Society’s current newsletter
- A copy of the annual Membership Directory
- Voting, making motion privileges, and eligibility to hold an office are extended to Individual, Family, Lifetime, and Charter Membership categories
We regularly recognize those members who make a significant contribution to society through citations, certificates of appreciation, and recognition at our meetings.
Consider purchasing and giving a gift membership.
- Student Membership – up to age 22 ($15)
- Individual Membership ($30)
- Family Membership ($35)
- Libraries ($40)
- Organizations ($40)
Purchase the gift membership by completing the Membership Application form. Download the latest Adobe Reader.